Manang Languages Team (2014)
Photo Taken: June 2014 near Ghyaaru, upper Manang by Shunfu Hu
Back Row L-R: Dr. Shunfu Hu, Dr. Kristine Hildebrandt, Dr. Oliver Bond; Front Row L-R: Mr. Dil Bahadur Gurung, Mr. Ritar Lhakpa Lama, Mr. Kali Lama, Dr. Jessica Krim (SIUE); Not pictured: Dr. Dubi Nanda Dhakal, Mr. Prem Ghale

Manang Languages Team (2013)
Photo Taken: June 2013 in Dhukur Pokhari, upper Manang by Shunfu Hu
From left to right: Mr. Ritar Lhakpa Lama, Ms. Kanchan Karki, Ms. Yesha Malla, Dr. Oliver Bond, Dr. Kristine Hildebrandt, Dr. Dubi Nanda Dhakal, Mr. Sukumar Gurung, Mr. Krishna Tamang, Mr. Kancha Gurung, Mr. Kali Lama, Dr. Shunfu Hu

Manang Languages Team (2012)
Photo Taken: July 2012 in Nace village, lower Manang by Shunfu Hu
From left to right: Back row: Dr. Oliver Bond, University of Surrey, United Kingdom; Dr. Dubi Nanda Dhakal, Tribhuvan University, Nepal; Dr. Kristine Hildebrandt, SIUE, USA; Dr. Shunfu Hu SIUE; Ms. Prita Malla, graduate assistant, SIUE; Front row: Mr. Prabal Malla; Mr. Ritar, Lhakpa Lama, Nar village and Kathmandu; Mr. Kali Lama, Baggarchhap village and Kathmandu
Project Principal Investigator
Kristine A. Hildebrandt Main Collaborators Shunfu Hu Jessica Krim Dubi Nanda Dhakal Oliver Bond (University of Surrey) (P.I. on collaborative project: “Optional Ergative Case Marking“, Funded by the British Academy) (Tibetan and Himalayan Library, University of Virginia)Office Assistants at CNAS Ms. Ekmaya Gurung (office assistant 2013-2014) Ms. Pushpa Gurung (Gurung language assistant) Ms. Sassi Gurung (Gurung language assistant) Mr. Sangdo Lama (Gyalsumdo language assistant) Ms. Chimi Sangkye Lama (Nar language assistant) Ms. Ching Chippa (Gyalsumdo dictionary-building assistant, pictured with Mr. Sangdo Lama) Mr. Jam Bahadur (Karma) Gurung (Nyeshangte language assistant) |
Graduate Student Assistants
Prita Malla (Summer-Fall 2012) Kanchen Karki (Fall 2012- Summer 2014) Ravi Kumar Yadav Dega (Fall 2013) Harika Taluri (Spring 2014) Saita Gurung (Fall 2014- Summer 2015) Caleb Pecue (Fall 2014- Spring 2015) Brajesh Karna (Fall 2015-Spring 2017) Cassidy Martin (Fall 2015, SIUE SPPA Intern) Sujata Bista (Fall 2018)
Undergraduate Student Assistants Derek Engel (Fall 2012) Cassidy Martin* (Fall 2012) Matthew Vallejo* (Fall 2012-Spring 2013) Samantha Jo Winkler* (web design, Fall 2012-Spring 2013) Alex Kalika* (Spring 2013) John Rekowski* (Spring 2013) Kourtney Hake* (Spring 2013) Yesha Malla (Summer 2013, summer internship funded by the Ariel program, St. John’s College, Santa Fe, NM) Alex Taitt* (Fall 2013-Spring 2014) Cassidy Jacobson* (Fall 2013-Spring 2014) Andrea Fyffe* (Fall 2013-Spring 2014) Tiffany Downing* (Fall 2013- Spring 2015) Ian Green* (Fall 2014- Spring 2015) Christopher Witruk* (Fall 2014- Spring 2015) Alex Jackson* (Fall 2015) Ada Lewis* (Fall 2015) Similoluwa Ogunnaike* (Fall 2015) Morgan Rogers* (Fall 2015) Allison Rue* (Fall 2015) Sarah Song* (Fall 2015) Mehali Patel (Spring 2015-Fall 2016)
Amber Khan (Spring 2017)
Manisha Chaudhari (Fall 2016-Spring 2017)
Ishu Jha (Fall 2017 & Spring 2018)
Pratik Lamsal (Fall 2017 & Spring, Summer 2018)
Chance Goodwin (Spring 2018)
Community Collaborators in Nepal
Manang Youth Society Pal Tashi Samdrupling (Nar-Phu Welfare Society, chairman Mr. Ritar Lhakpa Lama) Related NSF Funding Alex Taitt (SIUE undergraduate assistant, NSF REU funding for Summer 2014) |
In an increasingly globalized world, indigenous minority languages, such as the tribal languages of Nepal’s Manang District, are threatened by migration, the loss of younger speaker populations, and the influence of dominant majority cultures. This CAREER project (NSF1149639) undertakes a unique response to language endangerment by exploring innovative methods of language documentation that also involve and benefit diverse populations. The project encompasses collaborative, multi-institutional field investigations of the four tribal languages Nyeshangte, Gyalsumdo, Manang-Gurung and Nar-Phu in order to merge traditional documentation methods with cutting-edge visualization tools. Investigators will adapt approaches from other studies of language and dialect variation by building a web-accessible, multi-media atlas to chart the rich language histories, variation, and attitudes found in Manang. This output will represent a new approach to documentation, one with a geographic perspective to chart structural details, threats, survival scenarios and future prospects within and across these languages. The project will also provide essential learning tools about, and for, language endangerment and survival scenarios in Nepal. One focus group will be undergraduate university students, who represent influential global citizens who would otherwise encounter issues of endangerment and preservation only in a detached context of textbooks and lecture. Project methods will embrace a collaborative spirit, including work with Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, and with trained assistants in the Manang District. The project will also involve work with colleagues and students in the Geographic Information Systems program at the home institution. University students are involved in all phases of data collection and analysis, and in the design of pedagogical materials. Additionally, the project will collaborate with archivists at the University of Virginia on long-term data preservation and visualization protocols. The goals, methods, and resources garnered from this project will provide an exciting and groundbreaking standard for future documentation, archival, educational, and language awareness endeavors.
Resources/Further Elaboration
- Hildebrandt, K.A. 2012. Acoustic and articulatory analysis of tone in four languages of Nepal. Presentation and handout, 45th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics, 26-28 October, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore.
- Hildebrandt, K.A. and D.N. Dhakal. 2013. ‘Community’ and ‘Collaboration’ in the South Asian context: A case study from Nepal. Poster presented at the Linguistic Society of America annual meeting. 3-6 Janaury, Boston, MA. (Poster references)
- Hildebrandt, K.A. 2013a. Mapping variation in Manang, Nepal. Linguistics Colloquium Presentation. 8 April, Dartmouth College.
- Bond, O., K.A. Hildebrandt and D.N. Dhakal. 2013. Optional case marking: What can be expressed by Its absence? Presentation and handout, 10th Biennial Association for Linguistic Typology Meeting, 15-18 August, MPI EVA Leipzig, Germany.
- Hildebrandt, K.A. and S. Hu. 2013. Multimedia mapping on the internet and language documentation: New directions in interdisciplinarity. Polymath 3.3.
- Hildebrandt, K.A. 2013b. Mapping variation in Manang, Nepal (updated talk). Linguistics Colloquium Presentation. 10 October. Rice University.
- Hildebrandt, K.A., O. Bond and D.N. Dhakal. 2013. A Micro-typology of contact effects in Tibeto-Burman. Paper presented at the 4th Conference on Language Documentation and Linguistic Theory (LDLT4), 7-8 December, SOAS, University of London. (An elaborated version of this presentation, given at the Central Department of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, on 21 July 2014 can be obtained here)
- Hildebrandt, K.A., S. Hu, K. Karki, T. Downing, A. Fyffe, C. Jacobson, A. Taitt. 2014. Language documentation in Nepal: Between the micro- and the macro-. Paper presented at the annual SIUE College of Arts and Sciences Spring Colloquium. 2 April, 2014.
- Bond, O., K.A. Hildebrandt, D.N. Dhakal. 2014. What differentiates what? Differential subject and object marking in Manang Gurung and Gyalsumdo. 6th International Syntax of the World’s Languages Conference, 8-10 September, Pavia Italy.
- Hildebrandt, K.A. 2014. Documenting the Languages of Manang, Nepal for Local and International Impact. Presentation and articulation of project structure & goals at a networking event at SIUE, 20 November, 2014.
Bond, O., K.A. Hildebrandt, D.N. Dhakal. 2015. Conditions on differential ergative case marking. 89th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 8-11 January, Portland, OR. - Hildebrandt, K.A. 2015. Multimedia mapping and language documentation: Developments, challenges and opportunities. Invited talk at the University of Oregon’s Linguistics Department first Workshop on Innovation in Linguistic Fieldwork. June 12-13, 2015.
- Hildebrandt, K.A. 2015. Spatial Relations in Manange (Tamangic) With Comparative Reference to Nar-Phu. 48th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara, August 17-23, 2015.
- Bond, O., K.A. Hildebrandt, D.N. Dhakal. 2015. Conditional Exponents on Topicality in Tamangic. 48th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, UC Santa Barbara, August 17-23, 2015.
- Hildebrandt, Kristine, and Shunfu Hu. 2017/to appear. Areal Analysis of Language Attitudes and Practices: A Case Study From Nepal. (co-author Shunfu Hu). Language Documentation and Conservation. Special Publication 13 (download)
- Hildebrandt, Kristine. 2017/to appear. Community’ and ‘Collaboration’ in Undergraduate Language Documentation Research: A Case Study from Nepal and a U.S. University.” CUR Quarterly 37. (download)
- Hildebrandt, Kristine and Oliver Bond. 2017. Manange. p. 516-533 in The Sino-Tibetan Languages, 2nd edition (editors Randy J. LaPolla and Graham Thurgood). London: Routledge.
- Noonan, Michael and Kristine Hildebrandt. Nar-Phu. 534-556 in The Sino-Tibetan Languages, 2ndedition (editors Randy J. LaPolla and Graham Thurgood). London: Routledge.
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